Oregon Car Accident Attorneys

Portland Car Accident Lawyers

Have you or a loved one been injured in a Portland car accident that was not your fault? Call Kivel & Howard today for help!

Cars are likely the most common form of personal transportation on the roads in Oregon. To be able to get up and go when you want is a freedom that many people possess, and those who do have to consider all of the dangers and responsibilities around owning a vehicle. When that responsibility is taken for granted, however, the results can be devastating for others on the road.

Distractions, driving under the influence, and emotional instability are all factors that can add to the probability of an accident. The general consensus is that driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or any mind-altering medications is very dangerous. In 2014, out of 357 car wrecks, 125 were alcohol-related, and 100 of those involved drivers who were above the legal .08% Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) limit.

If you or someone you love has been seriously injured in a traffic collision that wasn’t your fault, you are going to need the help of an experienced car accident attorney. The compassionate and aggressive team at Kivel & Howard has the experience necessary to guide you through the steps to filing your automotive accident claim. Our attorneys will stand by your side throughout the entire process and work tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve. Call us today for your free, no-obligation, and completely confidential consultation. Don’t have time for a consultation today? You can call us to arrange a consultation when it’s convenient

Most Common Types of Serious Car Accidents in Oregon

Car accidents can happen in a moment with little to no warning. They can be catastrophic and leave those who were involved, thousands of dollars in debt. The reasons for a car crash can vary and no two are the same. The different types of accidents are just as varied and can include:

  • Rear-end Collisions- When a vehicle can’t or doesn’t stop in time and crashes into the back of the vehicle in front of them. Following another vehicle too closely is a dangerous practice, especially if the vehicle ahead of you needs to stop or suddenly slow down because of another driver or unexpected obstacles in the roadway.
  • T-bones- This occurs when someone fails to yield to traffic signals or signage, causing them to collide with the side of a vehicle that is crossing their path at the intersection.
  • Rollovers- Whether the cause is speeding, a tire blow out, or subpar road conditions, a vehicle can become unstable and roll. That vehicle can take out or damage anything in its way. Vehicles with higher centers of gravity like semi-trucks are more likely to roll over than passenger vehicles.
  • Hit-And-Run- Accidents can happen in the blink of an eye. They can be scary and drivers can sometimes flee the scene out of sheer panic or even criminal intent. Hit-and-runs are more common than we know. Leaving the scene of a car crash is illegal and can lead to an arrest warrant.
  • Head-On Collisions- A driver who loses control of their vehicle for whatever reason can slam into the front of another. These are very dangerous as they often cause drivers and passengers to be ejected through the windshield, making injuries even more severe.
  • Multiple-Vehicle Crashes- Sometimes, more than two vehicles are involved in a wreck. Multiple-vehicle crashes are just that, they involve several vehicles and can sometimes block traffic, which can cause even more dangerous situations.

Just like the numerous types of collisions there are, the reasons for such accidents can vary as well. Circumstances that can lead to a catastrophic accident include situations such as:

  • Impaired Driving- Anything that inhibits your vision or physical response can lead to devastation. Alcohol and drugs, including many prescription medications, can dramatically impair your ability to operate a vehicle safely.
  • Distracted Driving- Cell phones, decorations, children in your backseat, or following directions can take your focus away from the road. Your main priority as a driver is the road. Anything can happen in a split second and it could leave you and anyone around you in a catastrophic accident.
  • Speeding- Following the speed limits that are put in place for your safety is always a good thing. The limits are there because of road conditions, maneuverability, and surrounding building traffic. Speeding can also include driving too fast for dangerous weather conditions.
  • Road Conditions- Construction, weather, or gravel and dirt roads can all pose a serious threat to your travels. Gravel or loose dirt can shift under your tires and cause your car to become unstable.
  • Inclement Weather- Snow, wind, ice, and heavy thunderstorms can all lead to serious traffic accidents. High winds can shift your car, snow and ice can make the roads slippery, and thunder brings rain and lightning that can cause slippery roads and distract drivers.
  • Emotional instability- If your eyes are clouded with tears, you can’t see the truck backing up or the child running out for a ball until it’s too late. Be sure you are in the right headspace for driving, always.
  • Mechanical Failure- All the parts to every machine must work together for the best possible performance, but oftentimes, one or more fail due to inappropriate levels of fluid, lack of service, or the parts can be defective. If one or more parts fail to do the job they were designed for, the car can start to fail or become hard to handle.
  • Obstacles In The Road- Fallen trees, wildlife, large boulders, or other obstacles in the road can easily cause a sudden accident. It is important to stay alert on the road, especially at night, to keep an eye out for any obstacles that may appear.

Were you or someone you love involved in a serious car crash and sustained severe injuries? The dedicated team of car accident attorneys at Kivel & Howard is here to help. We will carefully go over the details of your accident and conduct an independent investigation to gather the evidence necessary to build your case. Call us today for your free, no-obligation, and confidential consultation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys at your earliest convenience to schedule your consultation.

What are Some Injuries that Result from an Automobile Accident?

As we all know, an automobile accident can occur in the blink of an eye due to the reckless and dangerous acts of other people on the roads. Injuries that are suffered as the result of a traffic collision can be serious or even fatal. Some of the most serious injuries that can stem from a car accident include but are not limited to:

  • Head and Neck- In a car crash, your head could hit something or your neck could be strained in an unnatural direction, causing what could be a debilitating injury.
  • Spinal Injuries or Paralysis- if the car you’re in is involved in a car accident, you could have a spinal injury. Spinal injuries are very delicate and if you’ve suffered one, you can become paralyzed, especially if you are moved the wrong way by medical responders, or if the accident damaged your spinal cord.
  • Disfigurement- Road rash or any other lacerations you may suffer from in a car accident could leave you scarred or disfigured.
  • Scalded Skin- Burns to your skin can be excruciatingly painful and can occur when a car’s fluids come into contact with your skin. When a vehicle runs, it heats up. The fluids can become scalding and can burn you.
  • Seat Belt Injuries- Seat belts are meant to protect us, but if you are jarred in an accident, you could get a brush burn or severe bruising from them.
  • Broken Bones- Broken bones are not only seriously painful, but they take a lot of time to heal. They can be even more dangerous if a bone chip or fragment moves through the bloodstream and comes in contact with vital organs, such as your lungs or heart.
  • Internal Injuries- Sometimes, internal injuries can get worse if they are left undetected and untreated. It is important to seek medical attention right after a car accident so these serious and sometimes deadly injuries can be detected by medical scans.
  • Emotional Distress- It makes sense that after a traumatic event such as a car crash, you could have anxieties about getting into another vehicle. Counseling is often sought after an accident to help victims deal with the emotional distress.
  • Loss of Limb- If the crash crushed an arm or leg, you could need it surgically removed. This often happens in rollover accidents.

If you or someone you love has been seriously injured in a car accident, call the compassionate team of car accident lawyers at Kivel & Howard today. We have the knowledge necessary to help you get your car accident injury claim started right away and will stand by your side throughout the whole process. The state of Oregon has a 2-year statute of limitations to get your claim filed, so don’t hesitate to get one of our experienced attorneys on your side. Call us for your free, no-obligation, and confidential consultation, or visit our contact us page to schedule your consultation at your earliest convenience.

What Kind of Damages Can Be Claimed in a Car Accident Lawsuit?

Being seriously injured in an automotive crash is not only a scary experience, it can also be financially debilitating. You have the right to demand compensation for your injuries and for your losses, financial or otherwise. Some of the damages that you can claim when you file your car accident suit include but are not limited to:

  • Pain And Suffering- Nobody deserves to suffer severe pain and mental anguish due to the careless or reckless actions of another. Filing for pain and suffering damages as part of your claim covers the pain and suffering that you wouldn’t have had to go through if you weren’t injured in an accident.
  • Medical Expenses- This includes past medical expenses, which cover from the time of the accident to the court date. These also include future medical expenses which are calculated based on the extent of your injuries for future doctor appointments, surgeries, physical therapy, and other medical needs.
  • Lost Wages- Along with severe injuries comes time-off from work to recover from those injuries. Lost wages compensation will cover the wages you would have earned at your job had you not been injured in a crash. This kind of compensation also covers future lost wages and loss of earning capacity if your injuries leave you unable to do your job at the same level you did before the accident.
  • Property Damage- People are not the only ones who are affected by a crash. Property damage covers the “things” that are involved in a car accident. This can include repairs to your vehicle, or replacing your vehicle if it’s totaled. Other objects that can be involved in a car accident include buildings, mailboxes, and personal property.

If you or a loved one were seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident, the aforementioned damages are only a few of what you can recover in your car accident injury claim. The knowledgeable team of car accident attorneys at Kivel & Howard will stand by your side and fight for your rights as a victim to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation that you deserve. Visit our Contact Us page to schedule a free, no-obligation, and confidential consultation with one of our compassionate attorneys at your earliest convenience, or you can call us today to answer any questions you may have about your situation.

Working With a Car Accident Attorney in Oregon

At Kivel & Howard, our compassionate and dedicated car accident attorneys understand the stress of sustaining serious injuries in a car accident due to the carelessness of others. With decades of combined experience, you can depend on us to keep your best interests in mind while we fight by your side to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation that you deserve. We strive to provide excellence to our clients in all of their legal service needs.

Call us today at (503) 796-0909 for your confidential, free, and no-obligation consultation, or you can visit our Contact Us page to schedule your consultation at your earliest convenience.

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